Sex work is more and more accepted by the public eye. But we’re still far from having it accepted by the law. Although the regulators have not imposed any limits on sex work when it comes to porn stars, cam girls, and OnlyFans models, escorts are having a hard time gaining those benefits. There are a couple of counties where Nevada escorts work is legal, but it’s only in brothels and not so viable for most of the sex workers in the country. We should start talking about legalizing and regulating sex work. It will be better for the sex workers, for their clients, and for society and the economy as a whole.

We Must Follow The Lead Of Other Free Countries The list of countries where sex work is legal and regulated is long. And it’s almost always progressive countries who managed to bring sex work out of the shadows of organized crime. We all know that Amsterdam is famous for its Red Light District, where prostitution is legal. But did you know that sex work is completely legal and regulated in both Germany and Switzerland? Not only that sex workers get to legally work in these countries, but they even enjoy medical insurance benefits and retirement fund plans. Such is also the case in Australia. And we don’t have to look overseas for an example. We have one in the USA, our neighbors up north, where prostitution has been decriminalized through Bill C-36, which allows any adult to offer sexual services and live off the profits generated by such activity.

The Benefits Of Legalizing Sex Work

There are countless benefits of switching to a regulated sex work industry. And they come for everyone involved.

  • Benefits For The Sex Workers. That should be the main concern in a civilized country. Studies show that in countries where sex work is legalized and regulated, sex workers are protected and organized crime takes a dip. Human trafficking is the main concern of a country with an unregulated sex work market. Not only that sex workers feel safe after legalization, but they can also access medical benefits and social security mechanisms, including a retirement plan. All these benefits will give sex workers the independence of managing their careers, eliminating the need for pi proxenets and pimps.
  • Benefits For The Clients. What clients of sex workers don’t realize is that they can put themselves at huge risks when hiring the services of an escort. That’s because the law forbids anyone from soliciting sex work services, which means that if caught, you can be prosecuted for booking an escort. If you want to book an escort, read this blog to learn how to do it safely. On top of that, since the sex work industry is ruled by organized crime, you can get in trouble with thugs or easily be the victim of blackmail and extortion. Not to mention that the unregulated sex work industry doesn’t require escorts to periodically get checked for STDs. And countless STDs can be transmitted even when using protection.
  • Benefits For The Society. Society as a whole can benefit from a legalized and regulated sex work industry. As of now, most sex workers can’t start a family and healthily contribute to society. Because police have to get involved so much, it causes drainage of funds that could be better spent on organized crime. Not to mention that all the profits from a regulated sex work activity would be taxed and the money could go towards funding public sectors that would benefit all of us, such as infrastructure, education, or transport.

In conclusion, although sex work legalization and regulation is a complex matter, we should start making small steps toward the ultimate goal. The legalization of cannabis showed us that it can be done. What are we waiting for?

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